"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
- African Proverb
Partners in Prevention
Thriving families through a connected community
Our vision is to cultivate a connected community that nurtures caring, strong, safe and healthy families. If we increase family protective factors we can decrease the likelihood of child abuse and neglect and increase child and family well-being.
What We Will Do
Imagine a family able to access services when, where and how they want them and before crisis. The services are strengths-based, family-centered, trauma-informed and culturally responsive. Families and caregivers of children 0-5 get the support and resources they deserve and want, which decreases parental stress and the likelihood of maltreatment and increases protective factors, healthy child development, connectedness and child and family well-being.
How We Will Do It
The following activities will help actualize our vision through engagement, input gathering and shared decision making with families, caregivers and service staff:
- Establish shared language and develop cross-sector strategies and promotion of child and family well-being.
- Consistently understand family strengths and needs and respond using 2-1-1 San Diego’s Community Information Exchange as a shared referral pathway.
- Training and support for integration of family strengthening best practices including:
- Trauma-Informed Care
- Culturally Responsive Practice
- Protective Factors and more.
- Improve coordination, communication and partnership between family serving organizations in San Diego County.
- Increase access to Behavior Consultation support for children 0-5 and their adult caregivers. Offered to children, families and Early Care and Education providers.
Who we are
The Partners in Prevention Initiative incorporates aspects of both the Collective Impact Model and High Performing Partnerships. YMCA CRS serves as the backbone organization and coordinates meaningful interactions and mutually reinforcing activities with San Diego health, social service, public, non-profit, private, education, and community-based organizations. We honor and value the expertise of our partners and convene regular Workgroups and Partner Network meetings that support community change. Together, we share a common vision for supporting San Diego in a child and family wellness prevention plan.
Shared Impact
Engagement and shared decision making with families, caregivers and service staff.
Partners in Prevention was funded by the Children’s Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under grant #90CA1861. The contents of this website are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Children’s Bureau.